01 July 2009

Becoming More Productive

Lately I've been wishing that I had more hours in the day...or better yet, more days in the weekend.  Since my time is split between two homes right now, it seems that there is always something that needs to be done in one home or the other.  Since I'm not going to be getting any extra hours or days anytime soon, I guess that means that Mrs. O should become more productive.

In my quest to make more of each day, I did something that might be considered drastic.  I shut off the television service to one of our homes.  Now its true that I can still watch most of my favorite shows on-line.  And it's also true that I have a huge DVD collection that I can watch if the want arises.  But the bottom line truth is that my evening TV habits were draining more hours from my days than I could afford to lose.  With all of the things that Mrs. O should become, a TV junkie doesn't make the list.

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